
Act Now to Get the Best Booth Space Available

  "The SEMA Show is the best place for manufacturers to promote their new products and connect with buyers,” said Peter MacGillivray, SEMA vice president of communications.

Exhibitors who want to take part in the 2009 SEMA Show priority space selection process have until May 8, 2009 to submit their exhibit space rental agreements. The deadline, which is typically in early April, was set a month later than previous years to give exhibitors additional time to plan for the Show known to many as the premier automotive accessories trade event in the world.

“The SEMA Show is the best place for manufacturers to promote their new products and connect with buyers,” said Peter MacGillivray, SEMA vice president of communications. “It very well may be the best investment manufacturers can make in terms of what they get out of it and the value they receive.”

Committed to ensuring exhibitor success at the 2009 event, organizers launched an unprecedented number of new programs and promotions, such as moving the exhibit contract deadline back one month. Other programs include increasing the number of quality buyers at the Show through outbound phone calls, negotiating rock-bottom room rates at hotels throughout Las Vegas and enhancing the electronic matchmaking program that enables buyers and sellers to connect with one another efficiently and effectively.

Manufacturers interested in learning more about exhibiting at the 2009 SEMA Show should contact ConvExx Show Management at or 702/450-7662, ext. 120. Details about the SEMA Show and an online exhibit space rental agreement form can be found at