
Lexus Owners Plan for Exhaust and Wheel Purchases

Every year automotive enthusiasts are surveyed by SEMA, dubbed the Automotive Lifestyles study, in order to learn about their accessorization trends and buying behaviors. When sufficient numbers of owners of particular vehicle models are surveyed, their specific personalization habits are profiled.

Owners of several Lexus models were looked at in this case, and results showed, for example, that 51% of enthusiasts that drive one of these luxury vehicles actually purchased their vehicle used, and a full 92% of them purchased specialty equipment for these luxury vehicles within the last year.

Enthusiasts surveyed owned a variety of Lexus models, and 92% said
that they purchased specialty equipment over the last year.

To put a little perspective on these enthusiast survey results, a little more than 5% of the Automotive Lifestyle Survey takers owned a Lexus. However, multiply this by the more than 3 million Lexus vehicles registered today, and it becomes apparent that a sizable number of Lexus owners that are enthusiasts exist as current and potentially future buyers of automotive specialty equipment.

The table above shows Lexus model registrations as of September 2008.

The most recent Automotive Lifestyles survey was administered in August–September of 2008, with a total of 3,037 complete responses. Enthusiasts surveyed included subscribers to 21 different automotive magazines as well as visitors to automotive forums and websites. The average age and household income of those surveyed was 40 years old and $91,000, respectively.

Had the survey been conducted using a random sample of enthusiasts, the confidence interval (i.e., the estimated value range the survey results could lie) would have been plus or minus 1.78%.

The series of tables below gives a detailed look at the Lexus owners surveyed. The number-one product purchased by this group was window tint followed closely by car polish/wax. Performance parts, such as exhausts and air intakes, were purchased and planned for purchase by these enthusiasts Lexus owners.

Over half of those surveyed said that they purchased their specialty equipment within the first two months of ownership and the top purchase outlet choice was Internet retail stores. These Lexus owners were a relatively young group, averaging 30 years old, but earned well over $100,000 a year (household), on average.

They also spent a good chunk of their discretionary income on vehicle accessories—around $3,100 each, on average.

Window tinting and polish/wax were the top products purchased by Lexus owners
surveyed. Performance parts, such as exhausts and air intakes, were purchased and
planned for purchase by these enthusiasts Lexus owners.

The table above shows the first specialty-equipment purchases made by enthusiasts
surveyed that owned Lexus vehicles.

Over half of those surveyed said that they purchased their specialty
equipment within the first two months of vehicle ownership.

On average, Lexus owners surveyed here said they spend around
$3,100 each over the last year on specialty equipment.

The table above shows the amount of money Lexus owners surveyed
say they plan to spend on specialty equipment.

The top purchase outlet choice was for Lexus owners surveyed was
Internet retail stores.

Internet forums and automotive magazines were the top venue for
information among Lexus owners surveyed.

Automotive forums were visited on a daily basis by enthusiasts
surveyed owning Lexus vehicles.

Lexus owners surveyed were interested in several types of vehicle niches, or segments,
including VIP, race vehicles and urban luxury.  

Several Lexus owners surveyed said they watch some form of automotive racing while only
small percentages actually participated.

The average age of Lexus owners surveyed was 30 years of age.

Around 86% surveyed said they completed at least some college or
trade/vocational school training.

Average household incomes of Lexus owners surveyed varied, but on
average, these enthusiasts earned well over $100,000 a year.

It is true that new-vehicle sales are down—41% down in February alone compared to last year, with Lexus sales showing a 38% drop—but a significant population of Lexus owners already exist today, and if SEMA members focus marketing efforts on enthusiast Lexus owners, potential additional sales revenue could be realized. — SEMA Research & Information Center

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