
Cash for Clunkers to Reemerge Later This Year. Will SEMA be Ready?

In February, SEMA members came together to prevent a federal Cash for Clunkers Program from passing Congress and becoming the law. Clunker advocates are preparing for a second try at a federal Cash for Clunkers law this summer. Will we be ready once again?

This summer, Congress will undertake major health care reform. Will Congress give our economy relief from rising costs, or will reform mandate coverage that SEMA companies and our workforce cannot afford?

Since 2003, SEMA members have worked together for the good of our industry and the auto hobby by supporting the SEMA Political Action Committee (SEMA PAC). You can join in this effort by visiting and becoming “SEMA PAC Approved!”

SEMA, as with all trade associations, must receive written permission from the executives of each of our member companies before we can provide information regarding our efforts on Capitol Hill and the PAC. 

While doing so does not obligate you to contribute, taking a few minutes to fill out this form will help SEMA PAC to conform to the law. It will also allow SEMA PAC to contact you with updates on what’s happening in Washington, D.C., and which members of Congress are friends of our industry.

For additional information visit or contact PAC Administrator Jason Tolleson at

If this is your industry, SEMA PAC is an investment in your future.