As a SEMA member enrolled in the SEMA Freight Savings Plan, you can now save up to 33% on your FedEx Express® shipments and up to 28%* on your outbound and inbound FedEx Express international shipments when you ship online. Enrollment is free, and there are no minimum shipping quotas. The freight program offers the same shipping discounts no matter what size your company is or how much shipping you do.
Online shipping requires very little specialized computer knowledge, and the time-saving benefits will more than outweigh the initial investment of effort. You can process shipments online, get rates and transit times, print your shipping labels, save contacts in your address book, schedule a pickup, track the status of your shipment and view your shipment history.
If you have not already enrolled in the program, make it your New Year’s resolution to save money in 2009. If you are already enrolled, your additional bonus discount will automatically be applied when you create your shipping label using FedEx Ship Manager® at
Take advantage of this additional 5% electronic shipping bonus discount. If you have any questions about the SEMA Freight Savings Plan, call service providers Siriani & Associates at 800/554-0005 or e-mail If you need assistance to ship online, give us a call. We’re here to help.
* Pricing is subject to discount limitations and minimum charges that vary by country of origin. The discount limitations and minimum charges are determined by FedEx and are subject to change without notice. For eligible FedEx® services and rates, contact your freight savings program provider, Siriani & Associates. All FedEx shipments are subject to the applicable FedEx Service Guide. FedEx service marks used by permission.