

Knowing where SEMA members are selling their products is just as important as understanding what products are sold. Several distribution channels exist in the specialty-equipment market today, ranging from discount automotive chains to direct sales. The table below shows that in 2008, SEMA members said that they are selling an average of 33% of their products directly to consumers.

The second largest percentage of SEMA-member products are sold through warehouse distributors, 22% on average of specialty-equipment parts and accessories, according to survey results. Nearly half (47%) of SEMA members surveyed classified themselves as “manufacturers” of specialty equipment, so warehouse distributors are likely to play a big part in the distribution of specialty aftermarket parts and accessories.

SEMA administered a survey to its members at the beginning of this year in order to measure industry market trends and provide a benchmark for others in the specialty-equipment industry to follow. A total of 415 complete responses were gathered from a variety of company types. 

Additional SEMA-member trends survey data can be found in the all-new 2008 Trends and Forecasts Report Quarterly Update–Q2. The latest SEMA report uncovers the latest consumer buying trends and enthusiast specialty-equipment product purchases.

To download your copy of this report, as well as other original SEMA market research, visit