

The off-road market continues to make an impact within the specialty-equipment industry. Case in point: the number of new products entered into the Best New Off-Road/4-Wheel Drive Product category of the SEMA Show New Products Showcase grew 72% from 2005 to 2007. Enthusiasts continue to buy these products despite economic woes possibly eroding their discretionary income. In 2007, off-road enthusiasts who were polled as part of SEMA’s annual Automotive Lifestyles survey said they spent, on average, $4,257 within the last 12 months on custom parts for their vehicles (the survey was administered in September through November of 2007). Off-road enthusiasts surveyed were actually six years younger than the average respondent within the entire survey—38 versus 44, respectively. These off-roaders have the income to spend on their vehicles too—carrying an average household income of around $86,000. It's no surprise that nearly half of those surveyed have modified their rides with either bigger wheels, performance intakes or exhausts.

The top 20 vehicles owned by the off-road enthusiasts surveyed paints a representative picture of what vehicles are accessorized within this market. Even at the 2007 SEMA Show, four of the top five light trucks within the Show's off-road section happened to be the same popular picks for the off-road enthusiasts examined here.

Source: SEMA Research & Information Center