

Passionate street-rod and custom enthusiasts spend on average 32% more on parts and accessories than enthusiasts of other stripes, according to data from SEMA's 2007 Automotive Lifestyles survey. Enthusiasts queried in the survey say they spent $4,792 on average in the last 12 months customizing their car or truck, while those who identified themselves as street-rod or custom enthusiasts spent about $1,500 more than the entire group of consumers sampled.

Street-rod and custom enthusiasts were defined as those that said they were “very interested” in street rods and customs and subscribe to at least one hot-rod-related enthusiast magazine. The Automotive Lifestyles survey as a whole was administered to automotive-enthusiast magazine subscribers, and those that visited enthusiast websites that posted the survey.

In 2006, specialty-equipment sales slotted for the street-rod and custom market reached $344 million, growing at 4.7% per year since 2000. For more insight into the overall hot-rod market, which houses the aforementioned street rod and custom niche, SEMA members can download a copy of the full-length 2006 Hot Rod Industry Report as another benefit to being a SEMA member. The report is filled with valuable facts and figures about the hot-rod industry and can be downloaded at