

What are the most significant parts ever produced by the specialty-equipment industry? That’s what Hot Rod magazine aims to find out, and it’s seeking your voice in the selection. The staff explains:

“We've compiled a list of 30 products that we feel have played significant roles in shaping the specialty-equipment industry. We'd like you, as an industry insider and member of SEMA’s readership, to take a few minutes to vote on the top 10 products that you feel are most worthy of the Hall of Fame.

“You also have the option of writing in your own candidates. In addition to determining the winners, your votes and write-ins this year will be used to compile the lists for future Hall of Fame voting.

“The 2007 Hall of Fame will have 10 charter inductees that will be featured in the December issue of Hot Rod and later announced at the New Products Breakfast during the 2007 SEMA Show. There will also be an historic display alongside the New Products area.

“Thanks for taking part in the inaugural voting for what will become an annual event. To lend your influence to the decisions, please vote by selecting your top 10.”

To vote, visit: