Member Updates


Volunteer Opportunities Available on WTC Subcommittees


SEMA Wheel & Tire Council (WTC) members are invited and encouraged to increase their involvement and participation in the industry by volunteering for a leadership role.

WTC subcommittees have open volunteer positions that can benefit from member participation, and volunteering requires minimal time (as little as one hour per month).

It's a great way to get involved, make a difference, and help identify challenges and solutions to strengthen the industry. Reach out to Nicole Bradle at to express your interest. Some opportunities available are:

  • Communications: Create engaging content to share with our members via social media, SEMA News (digital) articles and WTC member update newsletters.  
  • Membership: Engage with current and new members and help make sure WTC is serving our members as best as possible. 
  • Networking: Identify ways to unite our membership through industry networking opportunities.  
  • Education: Create and support educational opportunities most relevant to WTC membership. 
  • SEMA Show: Join in on discussions and plans for WTC events at the SEMA Show.  

For more information, visit