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Katherine Abraham


The SEMA Businesswomen's Network (SBN) has named Katherine Abraham, senior marketing manager-B2B at IRONMAN 4x4, as the network's newest #SheIsSEMA spotlight member.   

Get to know Abraham in her interview with SEMA News below.   

SEMA News: How many years have you been with your current company and what do you enjoy most about working there?   

Katherine Abraham: I've just started with Ironman4x4 in September, and it's thrilling to be working with a close-nit team who shares the same passion for automotive and 4x4. The culture, company morals, passion, and desire to impact the industry match so well with my own aspirations, it's truly a dream role for me.  

SEMA: What is the most challenging part of running your business or job?   

KA: Finding balance in all things is challenging. Specifically, within marketing, the biggest challenge is finding balance between creativity, return on investment, scalability, and not letting perfection get in the way of greatness. 

SEMA: How many years have you been in the industry and what was your first industry job?

KA: I've been heavily involved in the automotive industry since 2018, starting off by volunteering on the Board of Directors for my local off-road park, Kansas Rocks Recreation Park. My first career industry job started with Dometic Corp in January of 2023. 

Since 2016 I've grown so much, here is a link to my portfolio that has the outline of all the things I'm doing.

SEMA: What are three qualities that got you to where you are today?   

KA: Passion, grit, and integrity. There are so many that come to mind, but those three have truly helped launch me forward faster than I could've dreamed. These three qualities impact every area of my life, not just my career. 

I mention passion first, because if you love what you're working towards, especially when it comes to your career, it makes so many things easier and it also allows you to shine authentically. 

Grit, tenacity, refusing to give up or give in, pushing past the hardest moments in life, this quality will prove to yourself and others that you are a force to be reckoned with. I don't succeed at the same level every day, and no one should expect you to, especially yourself, but giving your all through the highest highs and lowest lows will fuel your spirit. 

Integrity for me means so many things. Honesty, kindness, emotional intelligence, listening more than I talk, and be in tune with my beliefs. Surround yourself with people who share your values and accept you for you, and being a person of integrity becomes second nature. 

A fourth quality I mentioned is kindness. Take a breath and remember to be kind, to yourself, to others, and especially to the person who seems to be having the hardest time. They probably need more kindness than most. 

SEMA: Being a woman in the industry, what have been your biggest challenges and accomplishments?   

KA: My biggest challenges as a woman have been self-criticism, expecting perfection, and negative self-talk. Women are extremely hard on themselves, it's in our nature, but embracing it and learning to leverage it in a positive way is what makes women excellent leaders, coaches, and role models for others. 

A situation that comes to mind is finishing my first Rebelle Rally in 2022. It was our Rookie year and I dragged my dear friend Lisa into it, we couldn't afford to do much training, and it was one of the most difficult things I've put myself through in my life--competitively, emotionally, publicly, in so many ways. I cried in the shower after finally getting to a hotel after the Gala, and it took me weeks to come out of the fog. But man, once I did, it opened my eyes to how hard I was being on myself about Rebelle and in general. It set me on my current path to dedicate my life to happiness and the things and people that bring me joy. 

SEMA: Who are your role models or mentors in the industry?   

KA: I don't know that I can say one person in particular because there are so many for so many different reasons. I'll sum it up with: My role models and mentors in the industry are now my family. There are so many people that influence me on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis along the way. From rallying to marketing, leaders to peers, I learn constantly every single day and it's made it possible for me to carve my own path and chase every dream that I dedicate myself to. 

SEMA: What is the best career advice you have received?   

KA: Seek happiness. This has helped me navigate my goals, aspirations, dreams, fears, challenges, doubts, mental health, trauama, loss, so many things. Focusing on what makes you happy each and every day will always guide you well. 

SEMA: Have you always wanted to work in the automotive industry?

KA: I have not. I grew up very passionate about cars with my dad, but my lifelong dream was to train, show, and breed horses. Life changed, industries changed, I changed, and in 2016 I found my passion for automotive reignited thanks to my partner James, and couldn't have imagined it would become my life's work. I stay here because of the people, the passion, the hard work, and of course, the fun! 

SEMA: Who was the most influential person on your career/goals?   

KA: The women and crew of the Rebelle Rally. Believing in me, pushing me, supporting me, and showing me that there is space for me wherever I want to go if I'm willing to go for it. I love you all so much, and you've changed my life in ways I will never be able to properly thank you for. 

Fill out a #SheIsSEMA spotlight form to submit a self-nomination or nominate a colleague and highlight how you or she is contributing to the specialty-equipment industry. Selected candidates are considered for SBN's #SheIsSEMA Woman of the Year award, featured on SBN's social media, SEMA News and recognized on the website.