Enjoy a trail run exploring the scenic Behind the Rocks Tip Toe Trail, followed by an evening of connecting with SEMA council and network members, during the 2022 Easter Jeep Safari.
Hosted by the SEMA Truck and Off-Road Alliance (TORA), the trail ride will bring industry colleagues together for a day of off-roading, before reconnecting in the evening for a mixer hosted in conjunction with SBN.
The trail run will take place on April 14 at 9:00 a.m. at the scenic Behind the Rocks Tip Toe Trail and be a chance for SBN members to connect in a fun, interactive activity behind the wheel! Space is limited so interested members are encouraged to sign up early.
View the event itinerary and register here. Questions can be directed to Denise Waddingham at deniselw@sema.org.