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Emily Humphrey - RealTruck


By: Emily Humphrey, RealTruck, 2024 PDP Attendee

Earlier this year, I attended the FLN Professional Development Program (PDP). Before attending, I had heard great things about the program, but my experience far surpassed what was expected.

The course provided attendees with tools to enhance their professional progress, no matter where in their career they are. The instructor was knowledgeable and did a great job of getting everyone to interact with the group. Brett (the instructor) kept us all engaged, led thought-provoking discussions and activities with our peers, and provided us with tactics so we can use these practices in our daily lives.

The PDP is highly interactive and provides us with an opportunity to network with peers and industry professionals. This aspect was invaluable as it provided me with new perspectives and potential collaborations that I hadn't considered before.

I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to advance in their career. The principles I learned in this course will be used endlessly professionally and personally.

Learn more about the FLN Professional Development Program at