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Robert Presley of Keynote Automotive Operations


The SEMA Future Leaders Network (FLN) has named Robert Presley, strategic account manager at Keystone Automotive Operations, as the network's newest spotlight member.  

Get to know Presley in his interview with SEMA News below.  


SEMA News: What is the best advice you have ever received?  

Robert Presley: People buy from people; it's about relationships first and foremost.  


SN: What keeps you in the industry?  

RP: Passion. I find it exciting to be selling products that I was saving to buy as a teenager. I love that the aftermarket has a corner for everyone, and it allows personalities to shine through different vehicles, modifications and accessories.  


SN: Where can you be found on a Saturday?  

RP: Turning wrenches, at a car event or maybe playing golf. 


SN: How do you prepare for an important meeting?  

RP: I believe preparation equals success. I make sure I have a detailed agenda and understand who the audience is and what the purpose or goal of this meeting is.  


SN: If you could go to lunch with one industry leader, living or dead, who would it be?  

RP: Carroll Shelby. I've been a self-acclaimed Ford fan as long as I can remember, and who did more for Ford Performance and racing?  


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