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Joe Gregory of LKQ Specialty Products Group-TrailFX


The SEMA Future Leaders Network (FLN) has named Joe Gregory, Project Engineer at LKQ Specialty Products Group-TrailFX, as the network's newest spotlight member. 

Get to know Gregory in his interview with SEMA News below. 

SEMA News: What is the best advice you have ever received? 

Joe Gregory: Growing up, my dad was a mechanic that operated his own shop and I always wanted to be a mechanic like him. My dad always told me to go to school and get an education to mess with cars to swing me on a different trajectory than him. After going to school for engineering and now wrapping up my MBA, I am still messing with cars and trucks. This has helped me immensely personally and professionally by offering me an outlet to combine the time I spend developing my livelihood with the things I have passion for.

SN: What keeps you in the industry? 

JG: The thing that keeps me in the industry is being on the forefront of aftermarket automotive product development and being able to see a cradle to grave project in full, from concept\prototype to production launch. This industry is the perfect blend of professionalism, fun, and personal passion tied up into one. This industry provides a space to have a career being yourself and honing in on an area that suits your strengths and interests the best.

SN: Where can you be found on a Saturday? 

JG: On a Saturday I can be found at home with my family enjoying the outdoors, spending time in my shop at home, or taking care of farm animals. I also love to build things and spend a lot of time on home projects.

SN: How do you prepare for an important meeting? 

JG: I prepare for an important meeting by refreshing myself on the status of the subject project, the deliverables I am responsible for and their respective statuses, and any relevant information that I need to relay forward.

SN: If you could go to lunch with one industry leader, living or dead, who would it be? 

JG: If I could go to lunch with one industry leader, it would be Jay Leno, hands down. Jay seems like the most genuine person considering how large of a personality he is. Aside from his insanely impressive automotive collection, he also has a ton of passion for keeping the industry alive and expanding. I think that is important because it all starts as kids playing with cars. I know it did for me.

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