Member Updates


SEMA Virtual Education - Truck tailgate shown


As the automotive specialty-equipment industry evolves, staying at the forefront of emerging vehicle trends and technology is not just a choice; it's a necessity.

To equip ETTN members with the latest knowledge needed to stay ahead of the curve, ETTN has complied its 2024 webinar recordings into a YouTube playlist. Access the playlist at this link.

Webinar topics include:

  • Alternative Fuels and Technologies for Sustainable ICE
  • Bridging the Gap for Emissions Compliance
  • Vehicle Communications Standards Update
  • Visualizing Fuel Injection Spray Characteristics
  • A Path Forward for Hydrocarbon Traps

Additionally, our webinar on Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of a Suspension System can be found here.  

The webinars are a great resource for members to access crucial insights directly from industry leaders about technologies and topics that are impacting the automotive aftermarket. Don’t miss out!