Why ETTN? The ETTN is designed to identify, communicate and provide automotive aftermarket engineers, programmers and product developers with the knowledge of emerging vehicle trends and new technology to ensure continued success.

Why ETTN? The ETTN is designed to identify, communicate and provide automotive aftermarket engineers, programmers and product developers with the knowledge of emerging vehicle trends and new technology to ensure continued success.
The mission of SEMA's Emerging Trends and Technology Network (ETTN) is to "Identify and communicate emerging vehicle trends and technology relevant to aftermarket professionals and provide the resources and solutions to ensure their continued success."
ETTN fulfills its mission through the following resources it provides:
It is easy! Any employee of a SEMA-member company can join, and there are no dues. It's free! Our hope is that all new members will be actively involved in the network. A network is only as good as the sum of its members. You can and should make a difference. Join now: www.sema.org/join-ettn
Interested in volunteering? ETTN has several opportunities for members to get involved. Please contact Nicole Bradle at nicoleb@SEMA.org or (909) 978-6688.
Hosted by SEMA Emerging Trends & Technology Network (ETTN) and Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE), the ETTN/SAE Career Fair connects industry professionals with future engineers and students looking to jumpstart their careers in the automotive specialty-equipment industry.
The Emerging Trends & Technologies Network (ETTN) virtual education webinars are designed especially for its members. These webinars take a deep dive into the world of automotive engineering in bite-size segments.
We have the industry’s best talent to give real-world talks with topics for modern engineers to enjoy, ranging from the latest electric-vehicle (EV) technology to advanced internal combustion engine designs and emissions treatment systems.
These 30–45-minute talks are powered by the best in the industry along with the unique benefit of giving you live access to our expert speakers to answer your questions after the talk.
These sessions are free for ETTN members, and you can’t find them elsewhere.
To view any of ETTN’s upcoming or previous educational webinars, visit the virtual education page using the button below.
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If you require a hi-res version of the logo, please email member@sema.org.